Our Mission

Radiant Crush is committed to environmental operations that foster a sustainable future and lead to improvements in the communities where we do business with.
We comply with local, state and federal environmental regulations and other applicable environmental requirements.
Radiant Crush will continue to look for ways to protect our natural resources by implementing programs and procedures to ensure minimal impact.
We will seek to prevent environmental impacts before they are created and re-use and recycle whenever possible. We strive to prevent releases to the atmosphere, land and water. We will continually provide environmental training and information to employees and contractors to promote environmental awareness on the job.
We will work continually to improve the effectiveness of our environmental management system
we will continue our social activism movement related to the social development side of sustainability, supporting programs such as Fair Trade and the Rainforest Alliance in encouraging good farming practices while ensuring farmers who produce luxury goods such as oils and butters we use to receive a decent living wage .
Radiant Crush also supports activist and sustainability professionals hoping to remove trade barriers in future so that they may benefit everyone,
contributing to the economic and social development core of sustainability while promoting good environmental practice to maintain and protect the richest rainforest in the world. The Amazon.